In the world of media testing it’s tough to really decipher what is good and not good at times. The ol’ greenbacks rule the roost when it comes to what is “tested” and rated with the moto media. I mean of course you need money/advertisement to survive but it gets cloudy at times between the…
As Matthes and I were driving home from riding one day he suggested that I do a goggle shootout. This sounded like something right up my alley since I have spent so much time in three specific pairs of goggles as of late: The Oakley Airbrake, Scott Prospect, and 100% Armega goggles have seen their…
Oakley introduced the PRIZM lens technology to us a couple years ago. PRIZM is an effort to build contrast through maximizing your natural color vision. What Oakley is trying to do with a PRIZM lens is identify what colors you're naturally prone to seeing effectively then look at the environment and match up those colors,…