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Three years ago the Jim and Dave Castillo, creators of CTI knee braces and Asterisk knee braces, continued their growth of creating innovative motocross products such as the AC System. You know those weird nose magnets we saw on the pro guys in Supercross were paired with a foam piece of material that was locked on to the bridge of MX goggles and when the two magnets connected, the airflow through the nostrils were increased. However through more testing and development with the system, the Castillo’s went to work on a much simpler design that could be used not only in moto, but in other sports as well. The updated/new AC Performance Systems retains the same special nasal stickers that contain a small magnetic piece, but the anchor of the part is the plastic noseband that lays over the bridge of the nose and opens the nostrils.

Does the AC Performance System really work and are you able to feel a difference on the track? Even though Dave was up my ass about getting him some feedback, I took my time with this and really tested this product in all facets of my life. I used it when I rode, went running, cycling, rowing, skiing, sleeping and even other extra curricular activities that I will spare you the details on. Here are a breakdown of some of my findings:

Putting on the AC Performance Systems is simple. In the box you will find alcohol wipes, magnetic applicator, nose strips and the AC band itself. Simply clean off your nose using the alcohol wipes then install one nose strip with the magnetic applicator (on each side of your nose) and fit the AC band up with the magnets and thats it. Once you do this you will feel like your nostrils just got a freshly tuned port job. It’s quite shocking when you first put it on. I was so stoked on how much air I got through my nose I had everyone in my family put one on just so they could see! Riding with the AC Systems takes a couple laps to get used to and almost helps you remember to breathe more through your nose than with your mouth (which is how our body is designed to breathe). This is something I try to do twice a lap when I ride. Find two spots on the track where you’re most comfortable and pick those spots to really take deep breaths. The AC System really helped me remember to do that and let me intake deeper, more fulfilling breaths.

Now since you all know that I am all about “feeling” when it comes to testing, I can say that the feeling that I got (while riding) was that I didn’t get as winded as I normally do in a thirty minute moto. I actually called bullshit on myself, so I whipped out the heart rate monitor and over the course of just over a month, averaged out my heart rate without using the AC Systems one moto and with the AC Systems one moto (basically I would do one moto with it on and one moto without it). It comes to find out that when I averaged out the numbers my heart rate was always 5-7 beats per minute lower (per moto) with the AC Systems on. You might say “well shit Keefer, that isn’t that much”, but it really is in the world of aerobic performance. Does it help with arm pump? I really can’t tell you that because I usually don’t ever get that much arm pump to begin with. However, lowering your heart rate can’t hurt when pushing yourself in a long moto.
I have grown accustomed to using the AC Systems when I train as well and find my training sessions (mostly running, rowing, cycling) are also 3-5 beats per minute lower than without using the AC Systems. Now that my nose/body is accustomed to wearing it, it is tough when I don’t wear it because I can feel my nostrils blocking my air passageway at times. For basically $35.00 it is an inexpensive way to get more out of your breathing in my opinion. Is it some miracle piece of athletic equipment that you must have? Of course not, but if you’re looking to maybe experiment with getting an edge on someone athletically, it doesn’t hurt, I do know that.
Note: I have a somewhat of a big nose and I wear a size 1. The AC System comes in sizes 0,1,2,3 so unless you’re Pinocchio go with a size 1 or 2. My 12 year old son wears a 0 and it fits him great. You can order and check out The AC Performance Systems at I you have any questions about this review please email me at